Chat with Teresa 貓女碎碎念





1. 誰喜歡自願待在家裡做家事帶小孩的優先


2. 以對家庭收入最有利的狀況為優先,有可能是誰薪水高就負起養家的責任,也可能是誰能夠發展出在家就能賺錢的能力,就待在家裡工作兼看小孩。


現在這個社會,Work from home的機會越來越多,在家工作也可以發展成具規模的企業,網路的發達也是這個世代的幸運吧!




但是我認為,男性比較大手大腳粗心大意不能拿來當作不願意帶孩子的藉口。試想,我們在職場上對於自己不擅長的事情,不也是得努力適應,直到能夠做到出類拔萃?! 只要願意努力,至少也能做到及格的程度。




When chatting with a friend recently, we talked about gender equality issues. One of the issue is: After giving birth, if there is no help from the elders and no ability to hire a babysitter, should the husband give up work or the wife give up work?

In Taiwan, when one of the spouses must give up work, women are still considered to be the ones who should sacrifice their career for the family and stay at home to take care of their husbands and children.

I think this should be discussed in several points:

1. Who prefers to stay at home voluntarily and do household and care for children should give up the job

Who says only girls like to do laundry and take care of children at home? Without considering social opinions, there are also men who are skilled in cooking and housework. Many chefs are men, aren’t they?

2. Whoever can create conditions that are more beneficial to the family. It may be that whoever has a higher salary takes on the responsibility of supporting the family, or it may be that whoever has the ability to earn money at home stays home to work and take care of the children.

The premise is that regardless of who works, both parties should take care of the children and household chores together, and respect each other.

In today’s society, there are more and more opportunities to work from home, and it can also develop into a large-scale enterprise. The development of the Internet is also a blessing for this generation!

No matter what the decision is, the principle is to do it willingly!

However, I think men should be more understanding of women. Women have to go through the pain of childbirth, we should have more say. This is not a threat by using pregnancy as reason! It is about both parties contributing their ability do and respecting each other’s efforts.

At the same time, women should not use our physical function as weapons to manipulate our husbands. If they are considerate to us, we should also be grateful.

Do not demand privileges just because you are pregnant with children. The “princess disease” is also a killer of gender equality.

There is still a lack of fairness towards women in the workplace, which is closely related to the fact that women must bear and raise children. In most families, women are asked to sacrifice, after all, maternal radiance is natural, and women are usually more attentive when taking care of children.

Although men are more rough and careless, I think it cannot be used as an excuse for not wanting to take care of children. Think about it, when we are not good at something in the workplace, we also have to adapt and work hard until we are outstanding than others?! As long as men are willing to learn of taking care of children, they can do it well, or at least pass.

Besides, if children grow up in an environment without excessive care, they can even earn a stronger independent spirit.

The advantage of being more attentive, which is often found in women, is not only useful for taking care of children, but can also be a powerful weapon in the workplace.

In Taiwan, because of the error of general perception in society, women are forced to sacrifice their careers and are bound to their families, which is why companies are less willing to cultivate women as high-level managers.

If personal perception and social viewpoints cannot be changed at the same time, the road to gender equality may still be full of thorns.








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