There are two amazing Installation Art in the Houli Horse Ranch & Forest Expo Site. This one behind me is called 「A seed from the Sky」. What a lovely name which describes the appearance of the art piece just perfect!
The super huge seed in the forest makes very interesting contradistinction. Is this a special species from a planet in the universe? I can’t stop my imagination…..
The artist uses the elastic characteristic of bamboo to bend and shape a bunch of bamboo into a huge sphere. I went there on a sunny day. The sunlight penetrated through the gap of bamboo, so shining!
The interior space is cool and comfortable. A couple of children lean against the bamboo wall. I was attracted by their enjoyable face and would like to lean against the wall too. But I notice that there is a signboard warning that it is forbidden to lie against the wall.
That’s right! If lots of people lean against this installation art at the same time, the artwork will be destroyed soon.
It’s a pity that those children didn’t follow the rule which becomes the imperfection in the exhibition of the installation art.
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