Today I will take you to visit the northeastern of Japan for cherry blossom. This time we will visit Hirosaki Park which is as the three northeast sakura scenic spots with Kakunodate and Katsuzakura, and one of the top three sakura scenic spots in the whole of Japan. After I visited here, I really feel it worths visiting for sure.
Hirosaki Park is located in Hirosaki City, south of Aomori Prefecture, covering an area of approximately 49.2 hectares. There are more than 50 species of sakura blossoms, also planted more than 2,600 strains of sakura blossoms. There are more than 300 strains of sakura blossoms which is more than 100 years old.
The number of sakura is more abundant than in other places. Because Aromori County abounds with green apple and the technique is used to grow sakura. So Hirosaki sakura is particularly prosperous. Hirosaki Park has become an important Japanese tourism resource.
Before entering the park, you can see that the whole row of sakura trees is in full bloom, and you can imagine how beautiful the sakura blossoms will be in the park. The season when Sakura is in full bloom, Japanese locals will go to the park for picnics and enjoy the blossoms. I see girls wearing the kimonos outside of the park matching the blossoms by the river. It looks like they return to ancient Japan which is full of classical elegance.
In addition to studying sakura blossom varieties, there are also so-called “eight beautiful pictures of sakura blossoms”: flower tunnels, flower snowflakes, flower velvet blankets, flower raft, flowers blowing piles, reflecting flowers, snow and ice sakura, night sakura, and so on, each of which is breathtaking and beautiful.
We are lucky to see the flower velvet blankets, also called flower rafts this time.
In the late blossoms season, the sakura petals fall in large numbers on the river, forming a large pile of flower velvet blankets. Due to the floating and sinking of a large number of sakura petals on the river surface, also known as flower rafts. You only have a couple of days of the blossoms season to get the chance to see such a beautiful scenery.
It’s the first time I see the beautiful scenery of flower velvet blanket. It is completely beyond my imagination which makes me so exciting.
After enjoying the flower velvet blanket, I will share other sakura blossoms scenery with you next time.
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