親愛的朋友們,上一篇文章講到我們住的在曼谷唉怕瓦水上市場的民宿At Casa有個超級優雅的大廳,大家是不是也很想體驗一下坐在這裡享受徐徐清風的美妙?
My dear friends, do you remember I mentioned the beautiful hall of At Casa we lived at Amphawa Floating Market? Would you like to sit here and enjoy the cool wind from the river?
If you haven’t read my last post Amphawa Floating Market (1), I strongly recommend you check out the post first.
如果躺在這麼美的大廳,同時能享受按摩的服務,想必是種上天堂的感覺。At Casa就能滿足你的需要,直接在這裡就提供按摩服務,不需要特別跑去按摩店。在這裏按摩的費用算是平價的,按摩的手法也就跟一些平價的按摩店差不多。想要體驗正宗的泰式按摩還是要去臥佛寺的按摩學校。不過邊看美麗河景邊按摩,比起一般按摩店無聊的房間,在這裡除了身體的舒爽度得到滿足,心情的愉悅更是讓爽度加倍,到安帕瓦來玩的話,不妨來試試。
Thai-style massage is a must-do activity for tourists because it’s cheap and comfortable. You can massage the legs after shopping the whole day so that your muscle will be released. Girls, you know how painful when you walk too much for shopping. You can also try traditional Thai style massage that your hands and legs will be folded at a different angle and the masseur may step on your body to massage with her weight. That’s pretty cool if you never try it.
You can enjoy the massage in front of the river which will make you feel you are in heaven. If you want to try a professional Thai-style massage, you may go to Wat Pho massage school. But you can have a massage with a beautiful riverside view at the same time here. It worths trying.
安帕瓦晚間的活動,最令人期待的就是搭船去參觀螢火蟲的家。我在台灣很少看到螢火蟲,都市的小孩常常欠缺與大自然親近的機會,對螢火蟲的印象只能來自「宮崎駿」。雖說是去看螢火蟲,心中的想像卻是躲在樹幹後的小精靈。住在At Casa有個好處,只要跟櫃台說要看螢火蟲,主人就會幫你聯絡,只要固定時間在大廳等著上船就好了,是不是很方便哪?上船後每個人都會發救生衣,不會游泳的朋友不要害怕喔~
The best night event in Amphawa is to see fireflies by boat.
It’s hard to see fireflies in the city in Taiwan. My image of fireflies comes from the animation of Miyazaki Hayao. I am excited to see fireflies because in my illusion I can see not only the fireflies but also the fairies hiding behind the trees.
You can buy tickets at the counter of At Casa. The boat will pick you up here. Everyone will need to wear a life jacket so you don’t have to worry if you can’t swim.
It’s 60Baht for each person about 1.5 hours trip. The boat will go to a dark place so that you can see the fireflies clearly. The best time to see fireflies is after rain from June to October. They will accumulate on trees which makes the tree look like a glittering Christmas tree.
Please don’t use a flashlight or you will scare the fireflies. Actually, it’s hard to take good photos at that time. So just enjoy the magnificent scenery and forget the photos.
下了船之後,民宿主人連忙拿了一盆水讓我清洗眼睛,一直折騰了大概有一世紀那麼久吧,終於把那該死的異物弄出來了。自始至終我都不知道到底是什麼跑進我的眼睛,只覺得刺痛無比,還好最後沒有傷到眼睛。民宿的人真的很親切,一直在旁邊陪著直到我眼睛終於沒有刺痛感了,大家才鬆一口氣。他們還問我要不要去看眼科,我拒絕了。因為我以前就曾經因為眼睛跑進異物去看醫生,醫生也只能幫我洗眼睛,既然只是洗眼睛就自己來吧!哎~ 眼睛大就是有這點壞處。(還真敢講啊!)
Most of the stores will begin to close after 8 o’clock. We buy a coconut for 40Baht. It tastes so sweet and fresh. It’s the best coconut water I’ve ever had.
The dessert is so colorful and cute. The container looks like a boat. They look so creative and I would like to buy some for gifts.
The young designers from Thailand are quite excellent recently. No matter fashion design, interior design, or fashion brands, their design has attracted more and more attention. The brands of shoes and purses from Thailand are welcomed because of the good price and good quality. I am so surprised that even the roadside snacks are so creative.
Here is the most popular restaurant at night. Even the aisle outside is filled with people. There is a live band singing old songs there. Old house, old pictures on the wall, old musicians, I think their performance just arouse my old memory.
Keep walking along, we also see singers singing Chinese songs with guitar. I guess the live performance is quite popular for nightlife here.
Walking through the main bridge, we leave the floating market. We are surprised that there is a lively night market out there. We buy some juice and snacks so that we can spend our night in our beautiful hall.
There are many kinds of tropical fruits in this juice. I can’t even recognize all the fruits. It tastes sweet, nothing special.
Remember the snack in the boat container? They also come with a wood paddle. Don’t you think it looks cute?
It’s almost ten o’clock when we come back to the hostel. There is a restaurant across the river. The employees sing together happily after close for around one hour. The residents here are easy to be satisfied.
Although I really want to sit there for the whole night, we still have to sleep because we have to get up early for activity the next morning.
The monks beg for alms is a special event in Amphawa which you should not miss. In the early morning, monks will sail the boat and accept alms one by one. You can donate anything you want. They will eat those alms for a living. If you don’t know what to prepare for them, the host of the hostel can prepare for you.
It’s a taboo that girls should be aware not to touch the monks.
I will suggest you walk outside to see the event. Don’t be too lazy to stay in the hostel that you can’t see the whole process clearly.
Yes, I am telling you the stupid thing I have done because I am too sleepy to walk outside. And I regret so much right now.
After the unique activity, we are ready to say goodbye to Amphawa. I really think it’s not enough to explore here for just one night.
It’s the best time to feel the beauty of Amphawa in the morning. No tourist, no business boats, all you have is blue sky and sparkling water. If you stay longer, you can even see children jump into the water and swim. What a beautiful scene and easy life!
The water level rise in the morning, even up to the aisle. We have to wade without shoes in some places.
Although most of the houses are transformed into a business purpose. They still look ancient and mysterious.
Look at the house across the river. The unique roof of the Thailand temple inspires my imagination that there are probably some old spirits live inside.
The stores are preparing before tourists come. And the overnight guests have the last chance of exploring those small shops with characteristics. You can see many traditional decorations in those ancient architectures which fill with the atmosphere of culture. I can’t stop taking pictures no matter I buy stuff or not.
I buy coconut oil in the store. It’s excellent to take care of skin and for health purposes with coconut oil. I will write a post sharing my experience later. Be sure to buy the first cold-pressed coconut oil.
Unrefined coconut oil will retain more nutrients. You can smell a slightly coconut fragrance. If you want to cook with coconut oil, you can use refined coconut oil so that the coconut fragrance won’t affect your dishes.
Those seafood look big and juicy. The barbecue seafood smells so good. No wonder they are so popular that tourists will sit by the river one by one to enjoy that food.
回程我們依然要回到原本下車的地方搭mini van 回曼谷。來的時候跟著大批的人潮,很容易就可以找到水上市場的入口。
如果還是不知道怎麼走,這裏有簡易的手繪地圖,大家可以參考。還是看不懂的話,附上一張泰文可以帶在身上,這句話的意思是「請告訴我去哪裡搭mini van回曼谷」,相信店家都會願意幫忙的。
We are going to take a minivan back to Bangkok where we get off. It’s easier to find the way when we come since you only need to follow other tourists to find the entrance of the floating market.
It’s not too difficult to find the way back to the bus stop. Find the main bridge and walk outside to the big road and turn right. When you see the Bangkok Bank across the street, the bus stop is on your right-hand side.
Here is the hand drawing map. If you still can’t find the way, you can show this note which means 「Please tell me where to take the minivan to Bangkok」.
The bus will arrive in one hour. So we rush back to the floating market for the last shopping after we buy tickets.
If you want to know more interesting places after we go back to Bangkok, Please stay tuned for later posts. Please like this post if you think you can get useful information here. You can follow me for more interesting posts.
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