常常看到 @sweetsssj 在各地遊玩的時候,穿著設計了Steemit LOGO的T恤,最近更是加上了自己的漫畫肖像,真的很有個人特色哪!
Hi, dear Steemit friends, the topic I will share today, I believe many people are interested in it.
Do you follow @sweetsssj, one of the most beautiful girls in Steemit, to travel around the world? She always wears a Steemit Logo T-shirt. In addition, she puts her portrait cartoon on her cloth which looks so cute and with personal characteristics.
I’ve been in Steemit for almost two months, I really like the platform. I think if Steemit can be with me in my daily life, I will have an even more emotional link with Steemit. I think it’s time to do something for Steemit.
I am a senior computer animator. Although I don’t do Graphic design for my job, I learned everything about design skills and knowledge in the university. I think it’s not difficult for me to design a Steemit Logo T-shirt.
First, I want to make a decision about color. I prefer a black T-shirt although the white one looks pure and comfortable in Summer.
There are many advantages to black T-shirt:
- Black T-Shirt looks clean even when it is dirty. You don’t need to worry about the spot of perspiration on neckline or oxter, especially in the summertime.
I don’t encourage you not to wash your black cloth.you still have to wash it if they smell not good. Well, actually not until they smell bad. - Black cloth looks more fashionable. I am not the one who prefers the cute girls looking, so I think the black T-shirt looks more like me.
- Normally, you will look skinny when you wear black cloth, it’s so important to me. Haha!
- If many people like my design and wear it when we have MeetUp, I think it will be cool unless you have a lot of tattoos all over your body. Because it may look like a gang in Taiwan.
According to the reasons above, I decided to design a black T-shirt.
- 黑色T恤不容易髒
我可不是鼓勵大家不洗衣服哪!衣服有味道了還是要洗。(誤~) - 黑色一般來說比較能穿出時尚感,穿起來跟白色衣服的小清新有不同的感受。以Teresa這種大咧咧的個性,裝可愛也只能在拍照的時候,會動的時候就穿梆了(是裝了電池了嗎?聽起來還是怪怪的),所以黑色還是比較適合我。
- 在Steemit很少看到有人穿黑色的T恤,其實,黑色看起來顯瘦,不管什麼樣的身材都很適合呢!
- 如果其他Steemit成員也喜歡我設計的T恤,一群人穿著酷酷的黑色T恤出現在Steemit的聚會中,看起來很有氣勢啊!
(嗯~ 該不會被誤以為是某種社團,Steemit會員沒有很多人身上刺龍刺鳳吧?)
I was thinking to create an opening animation for Steemit Logo. I think it’s a good time to combine these two projects together.
Doing animation will spend much more time than Graphic design. Every animation from PIXAR takes years to be finished.
There is an animation 『Big fish Begonia』created in China which is finally on theatre last year. This technical skill of this animation is amazing and it takes twelve years to complete.
No matter 2D or 3D animations, there are many complex setting processes. Before you preview the whole animation, you can only imagine the result.
Every animation takes lots of time to render again and again. That’s why computer animation spends so much time and money to produce.
I didn’t use 3D animation for this project because I think 2D animation is perfect enough for this design.
既然要設計,自然要發揮自己的專長啦!剛好我一直就想製作Steemit LOGO的動畫,就趁這個機會實踐我的想法吧!
I upload the animation on Youtube.
If you like my animation, too. Don’t hesitate to give me a thumb up. Thanks!
I choose a suitable frame from the animation and adjust some details about the logo、words and background.
It’s the final picture I use to design the T-shirt.
You can put your account ID or any information you need on the bottom line, such as the national name or city name.
Here is the basic design of the T-Shirt
The basic style T-shirt is good for people who like the low profile. You will still look unique even the T-shirt looks simple.
It looks young and fashion for this short-sleeve T-shirt.
It’s perfect to show your wonderful body. Don’t hide it if you do the workout for good body shape.
The small change of the collar design promotes the design sense of this cloth.
Don’t miss a good chance to show your beautiful body.
The picture is printed on a large area that gets rid of the standard feeling of the LOGO T-shirt?
也可以大面積的印上圖案,是不是擺脫了LOGO T恤給人制式的感覺?
I found all these blank T-shirts above on the net. You can buy a different style of T-shirt you like, and print the pictures on it.
I bought a pack of T-shirts transfers. You can print the pictures on the transfer paper, and heat with an iron to transfer pictures on your cloth. Then you will get a unique cloth made by yourself.
I will share with you when I make the real cloth later.
Do you like my T-shirt design? I will be glad to hear your comments if you have any good ideas. See you next time.
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