A couple of days ago, I draw a cheese in Photoshop and composite with a video about Er-Mao. If you haven’t seen this video, please check here.
Today I will share with you how I draw this cheese step by step. Hope that you will find out it’s not difficult to draw in Photoshop.
The best benefit to draw in photoshop is that you can draw in a different layer. So it’s easier to correct your painting if you draw anything wrong.
Here are the brushes we will use in this painting.
Most of the time we will use the left brush. It’s somewhat similar to a flat brush with a distinct brush stroke. I use this brush to imitate the stroke of oil painting.
The brush in the middle is a dense brush, mainly used in areas that need to emphasize.
On the right is the simplest circular brush. You can paint a flat surface without any strokes. I use this brush as an eraser so that I can easily control where the excess parts I want to erase.
STEP 1: 首先創建一層白色的圖層,就如畫圖的畫布一樣做為底層。
STEP 2: 接下來增加另一層,大略將Cheese的形狀勾勒出來。這裡不用太在意線條是否漂亮,因為這只是做為參考線用的。
First, create a white layer as a canvas.
Add another layer, roughly outline the shape of the Cheese. Don’t worry too much about whether the lines are beautiful because it’s just for reference lines.
The advantage of layering is that as long as the layer of the reference line is off, you won’t be able to see the lines.
STEP 3: 在新的一層塗上側面的顏色,使用的畫筆是最左邊帶有明顯筆觸的畫筆,上色的小技巧是全部塗同一個方向。大家從圖上可以看得出來,畫筆因為有刷毛的筆觸,重複堆疊就會自然形成深淺不一的層次,跟好可以展現Cheese不平滑略微起伏的質感。
Paint the side of the cheese on a new layer. Use the brush with a distinct stroke on the left. The technique is all painted in the same direction.
You can see from the picture, because of the distinct brush strokes, the repeated stack will naturally form different tone levels, which can express a slightly undulating texture of cheese.
STEP 4: 建一個新的圖層,選擇一個比剛剛略深的顏色,畫出側面的暗部。
Create a new layer and use a slightly deeper color to draw the dark area.
STEP 5: 畫上另一個側面
Paint the opposite side of the cheese.
STEP 6: 增加一個新層,在側面隨意畫上大大小小的圓形,形狀不用太規則,圓形的邊緣也不要太銳利,呈現的感覺才會比較像Cheese軟軟的質感。
STEP 7: 選擇比圓形更深一點的顏色,在圓形的右邊加上一些暗面,製造凹進去的效果。
STEP 8: 選擇接近白色的黃色,在圓形的左邊加上一些亮面,讓凹進去的效果更立體。
Add a new layer, randomly paint different sizes of irregular circles on the side of the cheese. The edge doesn’t need to be too sharp so that it will be more like soft surface of the cheese.
Choose a deeper color to paint dark surface on the right of the circle in order to create a concave effect.
Choose a yellow color close to white to paint some bright surface on the left of the circle, making the concave effect even more three-dimensional.
I forget to add a new layer here, so the concave hole is painted in the same layer. You can add several layers when you draw the holes so that you can change more flexible.
STEP 9: 增加新的圖層,利用剛才畫圓形凹洞的同樣手法,將亮面的凹洞畫上。
Add a new layer to draw the concave hole on the top surface of the cheese using the same method
STEP 10: 將參考線那一層關掉。噠啦!神奇的事情發生了!立體的Cheese就出現了!
STEP 11: 用中間的畫筆在Cheese的邊緣稍微加上幾筆深色的線條,增加一些立體感。
STEP 12: 如果是要跟別的影像或圖片合成,那就要去掉多餘的白色背景。最簡單的方式就是將多餘的部分用橡皮擦擦掉。
Turn off the layer of the reference line. Magic! A beautifully painted cheese appears.
You can retouch some dark line on the edge of the cheese to make it more three-dimensional.
If you want to composite the cheese with a picture, you need to erase the exceeding part of the white color.
We also need some little steps to make the edge of the cheese more natural.
STEP 13: 將所有的圖層合到一個群組,然後針對這個群組加上右下角的特效中「內陰影」的效果,調整到需要的數值,這時候Cheese的邊緣看起來就會有一點立體的厚度。
Group together all the layers except the reference line and add an inside shadow effect so that the edge of the cheese will look thicker.
Add the shadow effect to create the relative relationship between the Cheese and the actual scene.
With these two steps, the cheese looks a bit more realistic when it composites with photos or videos.
The final painting is like this. You can see the first photo for the compositing effect.
You can look at the GIF of the entire Cheese steps:
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